Graduation Showcase
The name “Lockdown Diplomats” was inspired by the current situation. The word diplomat means, a person who can deal with others in a sensitive and tactful way. So we are the diplomats for our future employers. in the way that we are going to deal with clients.Just because we are in our homes, it doesn't mean that we are unable to do our duties as Graphic Designers and Multimedia Designers. The Covid-19 pandemic won't stop us from being our best.
Final year design students of Saito University College from Graphic Design ( GD111 ).

Hi, I’m Emma.
I am a 22 year old, graphic designer. My strongest skill is copywriting. However, I’m very much into motion graphics, branding and website design. In my free time, I enjoy making photo compositions and doing illustrations. When I’m not designing, I play games (PC) and I watch shows on Netflix.
I believe to sell a product to their target audience, is when we know how to communicate in their language. Thus, the roots from every culture has their own beauty, and the way of communicate reveal the way we see the world. Input some little spice of different culture will make the communication more efficient.

Final year design students of Saito University College from Multimedia Design ( MMD 76 & 50 ).

I design stuff, like websites and apps. Design is part of every aspect of our lives. It teaches us a mindset and attitude towards life itself that will empower us to reach new heights. Everyone has the ability to create something, but the idea of thinking creatively in a unique way is more important.